
栏目:文档 xx5515 浏览 标签: 开学 英语 作文    


New semester, new life, new study began. Let's grow up happily together!



School starts today. When I report to school, I am the last one in my class! I feel ashamed to have so many teachers waiting for me. It's a pity that I didn't meet my classmates. I really miss you. In the blog to see the students colorful winter vacation life! Very envious. But I am also good, learning the host class, have the opportunity to show you!


School began. I went to school happily with my schoolbag on my back. The students were very excited and greeted each other. I haven't seen you for two months. Everyone has grown up, and I have grown tall. My position has moved from the first row to the second row. There are familiar faces in the classroom, Liu Ding, Liu Yang, Chen zijue... The students talk about their interesting stories in the summer vacation and share their happiness together.

A new teacher Guo from Class 3 (8) came to our class. She has long black hair. For every student who comes to register, she will give a cordial greeting, look at him with a smile and touch his small head. Her smile is amiable and respectable.

Looking at the "new semester, new starting point" on the blackboard, I secretly made up my mind: this semester I will overcome my careless shortcomings and do everything carefully. I also want to get along well with my classmates, help each other and be a good student with all-round development.


Today is the first day of school. I'm very excited. After nearly two months of summer vacation, I came back to school and became a fourth grade college student.

On the first day of the fourth grade, I participated in the class cadre election, and the position I ran for was monitor. I was a little nervous when I was the first to give a speech. It was the applause of teachers and students that gave me confidence and encouragement. If I become a monitor, I will set an example and be a good teacher's little assistant.

The election results haven't come out yet. After returning home from school at noon, I told my mother that the focus was on participation. If I became a monitor, I should set an example; If you can't be a monitor, you should work harder in the future.


My brother was still sleeping. My mother hurried back without taking me to the pick-up point. I walked to the west gate unhappily, but the long rope blocked my way. It seemed to say,(火舞文案-www.h5wy.com)  "ha ha, I won't let you pass!"

I'm very angry. Hum, I have to go there and see what you can do to me? I leaned down and quickly drilled in. I was proud when the headmaster suddenly appeared in front of me: "who let you drill here? What class are you in? Who is the head teacher? " I was stunned. My mind was blank. I looked at him foolishly, stammered one by one, and burst into tears.

Back in the class, I didn't dare to see the teacher. She didn't know that I had disgraced the class. I dare not look at my classmates. I don't know if anyone saw what happened just now. I pulled the mask up and down, trying to cover my face. Fortunately, there was a mask!


September 1 is my first day of school, that is, today. Today, I came to school happily with my schoolbag on my back.

I came to the new class. The chairs and stools are new. In the classroom, there are some students I know, some new students I don't know, and our teachers have changed. I'm very happy. The students here are also very good. Some are tall, some are low, some are fat and some are thin, and the teacher's knowledge is very high. Father-in-law sun also celebrated our school, hanging high in the air. The flowers, plants and trees in the campus have grown taller and become more lush. The campus was also cleaned by teachers in advance, and the classroom was spotless. I'm so happy to meet new students and teachers today.


The two-month summer vacation is over. In the new semester, we entered the sixth grade, the graduating class. We can't be as naughty as before.

We should learn to be strict with ourselves. There is no best, only better; To be tolerant to others can be friendly; Don't haggle over every ounce to promote our friendship; Only by having a good relationship can we help each other in our study.

The most important exam for the graduating class is the junior high school entrance exam. The teacher told us that the effort of a year depends on this exam. Although this is still the first semester, the junior high school entrance exam is approaching day by day. We should be ready at all times. Who doesn't want to be at the top and win?

This year, I want to study hard and learn to deal with setbacks bravely. I believe the sun is always after the wind and rain. Come on for this year's study!


Do you know what live broadcasting is? People are here, but the voice is there. Miss Li is not in our class, but his voice has been lecturing to us. We were very curious and kept staring at the blackboard. As soon as Mr. Liu went out, everyone began to talk: "what is this? Why does it sound? Curious... "

Miss Liu also broadcast live, but it was terrible. She was talking and talking over there, but we all pricked up our ears and couldn't hear clearly. Miss Liu and Miss Li have been tossing about for most of the day.

Not to mention these headaches, today's PE class is very rewarding. Although I still do exercises, run and stand in the sun and have been roasted for a while, wearing a mask in PE class makes me understand for the first time how happy it is to breathe without a mask. Before, why didn't you think?


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