as this dragon-head event of harbin international ice and snow festival,the ice lantern artistic show is the earliest and largest one in the world. it has become a large-scale outdoor ice lantern show for the traditional activities of the ice and snow festival of harbin. the 28th ice lantern artistic show will still be he1d in zhaolin park this year. this session of ice and lantern snow shall take "wonderful garden 0n the silk road, and ice and snow on the north of the great wall" as its main theme.
the show takes the great development of the west china as its topic, and presents the customs and long history and culture of the great northwest china to people. this ice lantern show will put emphasis on the products strategy and famous brand effect.
outstanting achievements will be obtained in cultural contents, technological application, artistic modeling, lighting effect, and mass participation. this ice lantern show will consist of 2oxxpieces 0f ice sculpture artistic works in 1o grand scenery zones. totally 25,ooo cubic meters of ice will be used.
Today, my brother and I went to Jianye ice sculpture museum to see the ice sculpture.
I wear a thick down jacket, like a big zongzi. But when I went in, it was still as cold as if I had no clothes on. There are various kinds of ice sculptures in it, including shark ice sculpture, bed ice sculpture, sofa ice sculpture And the ice slide! I like ice slide best. I slide down from the top, it's icy, fast and exciting. It's fun! Although our little faces are as red as apples, we still don't want to leave until the end, we are reluctant to leave.
It's been a great day. We have an appointment to have another time!
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